The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Microsoft Word - CC Catching Fire.doc‘I want you guys to forget everything you think you know about the games. Last year was child’s play. This year, you’re dealing with all experienced killers.’

The high anticipated sequel to The Hunger Games from 2012 was, for those of you that read the book, very tame (just to get that more accessible rating), but the story and message still came across. Even though I did feel it could have been executed in a better way. I read the first book before I saw the movie and then read Catching Fire and The Mockingjay. The first reviews and critiques were all very positive which left me with high expectations. I was really looking forward how Katniss was going to get herself through this installment.

Catching Fire is set after The Hunger Games ends. Katniss and Peeta are going on a victory tour to attend to all the districts that lost their young tributes in the games. It gives the two victors a peek into their world; the atmosphere in the rest of Panem. Small gestures and actions that point to resistance and rebellion are slain with, out of proportion force. At the same time you can feel the power of the capitol beginning to show cracks. When Katniss realizes she’s being thrown back into the horrific world of the Hunger Games, when she thought to be done with them for good, she decides for herself what the outcome of these games are going to be. She never figured that the people in her surroundings have a whole other plan for her and for the stifled world they live in.

I liked the second book the most of the three and I liked this movie a lot better than the first movie. But with the book still fresh in my memory, it simply does not live up. Other ‘details’ are just shortly touched upon and then let go, while they are of bigger importance to the story especially looking into the future to the last part of this trilogy. This movie looks great! It is very true to its source material. The cast fits it characters to a t. To cast Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen is the best decision the casting director made. Disgust raises when being confronted about how the capitol controls its people, the contradictions between the different districts and the Capitol is an interesting metaphor for life in this reality world in 2013.

The director Francis Lawrence (no relation to Jennifer as far as I know) is known for directing I am Legend and Water for ElephantsJust like David Fincher he has roots in the directing of music videos, And he’s currently making the last part of The Hunger Games trilogy Mockingjay part 1 and 2.

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Microsoft Word - CC Rush.doc‘A wise man can learn more from his enemies than a fool from his friends

I am not particularly a Formula One fan, I don’t get heart palpitations from cars that break the sound barrier and I don’t drool over beautiful gorgeous and ridiculous expensive cars (even though I can appreciate the creative designing process). But I do love a great story, told in an even greater way. Ron Howard is one of those filmmakers who is more than capable to do just that. His track record includes Frost/Nixon, A Beautiful Mind, Apollo 13, Far and Away and Willow.

Rush is a story based on the true story of two guys: Niki Lauda and James Hunt who both have a love for fast cars and winning. Besides these, the two are quite the opposites. Hunt is a ladies man who loves a party and takes live as it comes, Lauda is very serious about his racing and the science behind the speed and crossing the finishing line first. The two meet early on in their years before entering the Formula One an instant competition is born. The story focuses on their rivalry and how these men want to win this pissing contest. It is all testosterony and macho.When that tone is set, as a viewer, I kind of expected not much more then that. I was wrong; the storytellers add a layer of humanity to this story that gives it depth and substance. It is not just about competition it is also about personal growth, respect, checking your ego at the door and eating some serious humble pie. I thought this movie gave a nice fresh angle to the rivalry theme which came from real life situations. Of course there are some dramatizations (the journalist punching by James Hunt is one of them but it illustrates his feelings really well), but this is a wonderful, fast, paced story that will have you rooting for both.

Ron Howard delivered a beautiful looking time period movie that did have me drooling. The editing and photography are stunning: it took me back to the seventies but still had that contemporary feel to it. The two main characters are perfectly cast Daniel Brühl looks so much like Lauda it is a worth a big compliment to the make-up department and Chris Hemsworth has the tall blond and handsome thing down to a t. I could not help thinking that Hemsworth would be the perfect love child if Heath Ledger and Brad Pitt had a kid. I enjoyed this movie a lot. I don’t think I’d be totally off if I can smell some Oscar nominations here.

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About Time

Microsoft Word - CC About Time.doc‘It’s going to be a complicated year.’

‘It’s going to be a complicated life’

Another English romantic comedy from genius film maker Richard Curtis, who had a big deal to do with the successes of Four Weddings and a Funeral, Notting Hill, Bridget Jones’ Diary and Love Actually. Curtis returns with the romantic comedy drama sci-fi About Time. The first thing that came to mind when the end credits started to roll was, was that actually a romantic comedy? I don’t think so, of course there is no written rule for film makers to stick to the mold and end the movie when boy get girl or girl gets boy. But this movie is not even near finishing after this happy occurrence. This movie is not about the boy getting the girl. This is a movie about love, family, caring for each other and the choices we make, the ones we don’t and the choices we are able to correct. If anything this movie is about a dad and a son and their relationship. It is still a delightful movie, but starting off on the wrong foot (and sometimes wondering if the movie makers realize that they are not making a rom com) it can be a somewhat confusing and jumbled experience.

Our protagonist is Tim an English somewhat awkward youngster who has great love for his parents and his sister Kit Kat. When Tim turns 21 his father (the ever delightful Bill Nighy) lets him in on the family secret: Every male member of his family can travel through time, only in their own timeline and only to the past not the future. At first Tim things his dad is playing a huge prank on him, but he has to say goodbye to his skepticism when he tries it out himself. Lo and behold! He actually can travel in time! Tim uses his new-found talent to repair awkwardnesses between him and a few ladies he fancies. Then he meets Mary and falls for her instantly, of course  this would not be a movie with loads of glitches, side tracks and d-tours.

The time travel gimmick is used here to close plot holes only to make newer ones. It is a very tricky  phenomena and even done with the utmost patience, precision and thought it rarely is totally flawless (maybe that is the reason time travel is not possible in life) in this movie it almost feels like the writer / director / producer threw his hands up in the air and said fuck it, this movie is not about time travel. It is just a way to tell the story and screw logic, plot holes and total probability. Which is okay. But as a nitpicker who enjoys movies when their makers who do their utmost best to make ends meet in a logical way. It did bothered me a bit that sometimes Tim goes back in time and stays there, sometimes he goes back and then goes back where he came from, what happens to the Tim who is already in the past? But taken as a modern-day fairy tale Curtis was right, this movie does not hinges on time travel, as a viewer we just have to accept it for what it is. This movie is about the people in it, about their lives, loves, cares, struggles and troubles.

Overall this is a sweet movie to watch. The characters are relatable and as viewer start to care about pretty fast. Tim is played by the delightful Domhnall Gleeson an up and coming actor and son of Brendan Gleeson (look closely it is in the eyes, and the hair color). He is not your average run of the mill drop dead gorgeous Hollywood drool hottie. But with a boy-next-door-down-to-earth he is a very handsome young man with the presence that can carry a movie. Bill Nighy’s character reminds me somewhat of the rocker he played in Love Actually which is the way I like him best. The mischievious-child-at-heart about him is what makes me care for him instantly. The most interchangeable character in the movie must be Rachel McAdams’ Mary, I could have seen almost any other (maybe even younger) actress in that part (Jennifer Lawrence anyone?), but she did fine and  their was enough chemistry with Domhnal.

Overall a decent watch and if you enjoyed Curtis’ other movies, this was not his best, but you will like this one.

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Blue Jasmine

Microsoft Word - CC Blue Jasmine.doc‘Anxiety, nightmares and a nervous breakdown, there’s only so many traumas a person can withstand until they take to the streets and start screaming.’

Woody Allen is probably one of the most productive directors in Hollywood: Averaging a movie per year (which he not only directs but also writes). I never was particularly interested in mr. Allen’s work I knew he and Diane Keaton used to work together a lot and that I should really take the trouble to watch Annie Hall. One of those classics that is on that list must see but you never get around to because there are so many other films that look so much more appealing. My first Allen movie I saw was Match Point, a fresh cast and an interesting plot. I was sold, whenever a movie was released after that I wanted to see them. There are some absolutely delightful films like Vicky Cristina Barcelona (anyone want to go?) and Midnight in Paris (cannot wait to walk in the rain at night in Paris) and others are good and enjoyable Scoop, To Rome With Love and Blue Jasmine.

Blue Jasmine is the kind of movie that is a psychological study of human behavior and interaction in this context: Spoiler socialite losing every bit of stability she had know when her Bernie Madoff type husbands gets caught in his sleazy financing business. Jasmine is unhinged and centerless and is desperately trying to find out who she is with not a penny to her name but with Luis Vuitton travel bags and designer clothes. Adopted as a child, changed her name from Jeanette to Jasmine led a fairy tale life in a fantasy. She finds refuge with her sister who takes her in with all her sisterly love but realizes the differences of social backgrounds they both have could lead to some issues. There is a lot of self medicating, self-pity, talking to one self and rambling to others. Jasmine is a grand character with a tragic story.

The movie opens with a scene where Jasmine spills her life story to her next seat companion on the plane to her sister in San Fransisco. From there on we get to watch her struggle to find her bearing, through flash backs we get an idea what happened to her, what her story is, where she came from. There is a little twist in 3/4 of the movie that maybe is the only thing in the movie Jasmin took a firm and controlled decision of.

I’ve read that this movie is considered a tragic comedy. I am a bit reluctant to talk comedy here. Yes, there are funny moments but ‘funny moments’ does  not immediately mean a comedy. I feel like of the Allen films I’ve seen this one is the most sad, but Allen films always have an undercurrent of something more than plain funniness. Blue Jasmine is not a dramatic-ugly-cry-type-movie it is a movie with questions that everyone who is over 30 has asked themselves. It is about making wrongs right, reevaluating past decisions, counting to ten making current decisions, deciding what you want, don’t want and what kind of person you’d like to be, making mistakes and shame. This is a kind of movie that becomes better once given it a little more thought and evaluation, it grows, gains substance and layers. I think it probably is even better if watched twice.

The ensemble cast is full of very talented people, a lot of them have experiences in theater. Cate Blanchett is a beautiful and talented actress who has no problem with stepping down from Hollywood glamour and look like a real person losing her grip of reality. Oscar nomination anyone (she won an oscar for The Aviator)? Think she did a sublime job. As did the Sally Hawkins who played her sister Ginger. Allen uses his signature score and fonts, lighting and atmosphere. It ends abruptly and it doesn’t answer a lot of questions, it doesn’t have a lot of plot. It is just a peek into Jasmine’s life and struggles.

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Microsoft Word - CC Gravity.docMatt Kowalski: ‘Houston, I have a bad feeling about this mission.’ 

Mission Control:’ Please elaborate. ‘

Matt Kowalski: ‘ Well it reminds me of a story…’

There are not a lot of movies who are able to limit their pallet to a few actors and a confined space (Panic Room, Cube, Buried, The Killing Room). Gravity does not quite fit that mold since it takes place in space and several spacecrafts, but space is filmed in such a suffocated way it feels wide and free, it becomes very contained and very claustrophobic.

Alfonso Cuarón (Children of Men, Y tu mama también) takes us up to space and introduces us to Ryan Stone and Matt Kowalski hidden away in their thick clumsy space suits behind a bauble of glass we are taken on an adventure. Kowalski presents himself soon as the experienced astronaut telling funny stories, preoccupied with beating a space walk record and Stone a serious medical engineer on her first mission with a lot of hurt in her heart. Of course disaster strikes and the pair are left to their own inventiveness, perseverance and mental strength.

This movie was shown in the awful format of 3D and even though I have a passionate loathing for every movie that wants to be 3D hip, I’ll admit that here it sorta kinda works. Not a fan of debris flying into my face though (I’d go to a amusement park if I want that kind of silly business). First and foremost this is one gorgeous looking film, second and definitely should not be left unmentioned the feeling of suffocation in so much space is palpable and that is quite an accomplishment. Third Bullock does an excellent job. Clooney is good too but he’s basicly being Clooney, at his best sure, but still Clooney.  This is (besides some voice actors) a two person dance and dance the two real life long time friends do in an impressive way. I was on the edge of my seat most of this film, it is a T H R I L L E R. Besides the look of the film the way the camera’s registers the story is interesting; Sometimes the camera go through the glass bauble that separates Ryan’s face with space and we’re right there close up and personal. Reminded me a of the cinematography of David Fincher’s Panic Room and Fight Club where camera’s go where they physically should not be able to.

This is a relatively short movie and they could have used extra time to get us to invest a bit more in the characters. What do we know about these people? Why should we care? The movie makers say a lot without showing which is a basic rule in storytelling they break. The script could have been better, but adding it all up this a story which is told in a very exciting and entertaining way. It is an excellent watch and I am really curious if they are going to get one or more Oscar nods.

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Microsoft Word - CC Frequency.doc‘I want you to remember this word, okay?

It’s kind of a code word: Yahoo.

Can you remember that?’

I talked about this movie before, in my post about my Top Five Underestimated Movies. I recently rewatched it and it holds up over time. Considering this movie came out in 2000. Of course Yahoo didn’t (Yahoo stock was $118.75 on January 3rd of 2000 and at the moment I’m writing this according to Siri  Yahoo stock is $32.32).

The movie opens with the dangerous and exciting job head of the Sullivan family does. He is a firefighter in the true sense of the Sullivan family tradition. Frank Sullivan is married to Julia and they have son John. It’s 1969 and the Sullivan’s are a traditional family that are very happy, warm and strong. We jump into the future, 30 years, in a little less nostalgic atmosphere we meet a grown up John, still living in his childhood home. He chose a career in crime fighting instead of fire. At one point John digs up his dad’s old HAM radio for his best friends son to fiddle with. John takes an interest in the device and starts playing with it himself and he actually gets the radio to work when someone is on the other side of the microphone talking to him. Like The Lake House which uses a mailbox, this story uses a HAM radio to cross over time, 30 years exactly into the past and John finds himself talking to his father. Even though his father died in a fire when John was six. But of course being able talk to the past rises the temptation to reach in and change a few things. So John does and has to live with the consequences, or maybe change them too? The changes involve life, death, a burnt desk, a wallet a serial killer and Yahoo, not necessarily in that order

Frequency is one of those rare movies besides that it stretches over several genres without becoming too little of everything and a whole lot of nothing it also appeals to a large crowd. I feel that is where it’s strength lies. It is heartwarming, it is smart, it is thrilling, it has a fair amount of excitement and anxiety and you could easily watch it several times and still be entertained.  But one of the most important aspect of any film in any genre it has a heart. The casting is great, Jim Caviezel’s looks are Hollywood worthy but he always has that tortured feel just beneath the surface which is perfect for this part. Dennis Quaid is pretty convincing as the all American hero dad who love his family life, his wife and his job.

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Microsoft Word - CC Blackfish.doc‘When you look into their eyes, you know somebody’s home.’

The first time I was introduced to killer whales when I saw the movie Orca: The Killer Whale,
which scared the living daylights out of me, but also stirred a fascination in me that never really went away. Orca’s are beautiful, intelligent and very social creatures. They live in pods which have their own culture and language.  I went to SeaWorld in San Diego myself in 1993. I was 18, on the other side of the world and I was just soaking in all the adventures that came a long. What did I know? Nothing, I realize now.

Blackfish originated when director Gabriela Cowperthwaite came across the news that on February 24 in 2010 Dawn Branchau a senior trainer at SeaWorld Florida, Orlando died during a show involving 12,000 pound Orca Tilikum. It raised the question what could turn an animal who had spend so much time with the trainer, bonded with and feeded the animal turn on her? Which is an even more interesting question when I learnt that no orca known has ever hurt a human being (let alone kill) in the wild. The movie maker dives into the subject and one question leads to another and to answer the next question there is a foundation needed of some history. Eventually the documentary turned out to be a little less about Dawn Branchau and a little more about how SeaWorld (and a little less Sealand and Loro Parque in Tenerife) mishandles (yes, ongoing!) these gorgeous creatures (focusing mainly on Tillikum). Because SeaWorld never bothered to respond and explain it turned out to be a one sided story. The documentary has a lot of archive footage and those being laced with the sugar coated commercials of Seaworld left me quite neasuous. Former trainers, experts, witnesses, family members tell their personal experiences with working for Seaworld and with these animals.

This story came to my attention when CNN focused on it a few weeks ago (it belongs to CNN Films), showed the movie and discussed the subject . The Dawn Branchau story fascinated me too when it hit the news and I, wanted, to know. And to paint a broader picture the orca’s are not the only ones being mishandled for the love of the dollar; I have avoided watching The Cove (2009 – won an Oscar for best documentary) because I just knew it would affect me immensely.  Maybe now, that I’ve seen Blackfish I am ready to see The Cove and A Fall from Freedom.

This is a well crafted documentary that will provoke thought and discussion. I don’t think I will ever set foot again in SeaWorld type place again (seeing dolphins in the wild made a far bigger impression on me than seeing them jumping through hoops in a basin). There are moments of amazement, blood curdling, big fat tears and sounds of pain and despair that will resonate through the inner fibers of your being. You need to know, see, share and do something. Anything.

This documentary premieres in Dutch cinema’s on November 7th

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White House Down

Microsoft Word - CC White House.doc‘ Will you NOT hit me in the head

with a rocket while I am trying to drive!’

I am not going to drag it out: This movie was a fun watch! Highly entertaining, packed with action and genuinely funny. Impressive cast which must have made a huge dent in the movie’s budget. Besides the darn good looks and limber physique of mr. Channing Tatum this movie has four Oscar nominees and one Oscar winner (Jamie Foxx received an Oscar for Ray and was nominated for Collateral, Maggie Gyllenhaal was nominated for Crazy Heart, Richard Jenkins was nominated for The Visitor and James Woods was nominated for Ghosts of Mississippi and Salvador)

This movie is about Capitol Policeman John Vale (Yep it does sound a lot like John McLane  – this movie is an ode to the Die Hard films) he is desperately trying to keep his relationship with his daughter after the divorce as good as possible. She, eleven year old Emily, is a wise beyond her years smarty pants who is passionate about anything politic (don’t ask – it is explained in the movie-) and is thrilled that her dad takes her to visit the White House. Unfortunately while there, terrorists decide it is time to bring the White House down and set their malignant plans into action. To cut a long story short John ends up with the task of protecting the life of the POTUS (President of the United States) and meanwhile not forgetting that his daughter needs to be rescued too.

I’ve seen Olympus Has Fallen a few months ago, you can check out my review here. And knowing that a movie came out with practically the same name (Olympus is code for White House) had me wondering which one would be the better one. Both movies are a good watch: both have a kid, one girl one boy in them, both have a heroic muscular dare-devil who does not belong but feels like it’s his duty to protect the President. OHF was a pretty brutal violence wise the story was far more solid. The motives of the terrorists were clear. In this movie, not so much, I kept wondering why are they doing what they are doing. But okay, I’ll let it slide. I enjoyed both, I would say White House Down is much funnier, it has the tendency not to take it self too seriously. As Olympus has Fallen maybe does this a little too much.

I cannot stress this enough (as I sometimes forget seeing him in other movies) Channing Tatum is an amazing dancer! I think it helped him a lot with all of his dodging bullits, flying behind furniture and doing those choreographed fights. He comes across as believable and does a fine job. Foxx is okay, he does his best to ‘Obama’ the president (the Jordan exclamation is clearly an Obama reference since that is what the president says were his favorite trainers). But maybe a little older president would have been more believable, a Morgan Freeman maybe, Don Cheadle, Will Smith probably too young too. Not sure about Foxx, he was okay. The bad guys are flat caricatures, we’ve got the obvious psycho and his geeky computer nerd ‘brother’ , there is the front man and the guy on top of the ladder calling the shots. All the usual suspects are present and accounted for, not big a deal, they are right where they belong in this kind of movie.

The score was okay, sometimes a bit intrusive. There is a scene where John has to hand over his gun and this dramatic piece of music stars so you expect that something will happen…. No? Maybe later…. No… Okay what was that about? Could be poor editing or poor writing or both. We’ll probably never know.

So grab the popcorn, big glass of coke or any other beverage lean back and enjoy, do not over think this too much, just a fun movie to take your mind of the everyday rat race. Enjoy!!!

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Top Five Fall Movies I Look Forward To

The sun sets a bit earlier every day. There is a palpable chill in the air. Even though we get treated to some nice temperatures and last sunrays of the season it is the time to find refuge into a movie theater and cozy up to some new adventures and experiences. There are a few movies I am looking forward to this upcoming season. It was hard to just end up with five.  But these are the movies that I’d like to elaborate a little on and I’m excited to see these on the big screen, in random order:


1. Gravity 

If Sandra is in it I am usually game. I realise that this is the third Sandra movie I’ll be talking about since starting this blog the other movies were The Lake House (revisited) and The Heat. Gravity is a Science Fiction, Drama, Thriller also starring George Clooney. It is about a medical engineer and an astronaut who work together to survive after an accident leaves them adrift in space (from IMDB). The movie is directed by Alfonso Cuarón who was also responsible for directing Children of Men, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkeban and U Tu Mamá También. Looking at the trailer this movie grabs you immediately at the throat and I think it is not going to let go any time soon.

This movie opens on Thursday October 3rd in The Netherlands


2. Rush

Rush is a movie I’ve read a lot about on Twitter since I am following it’s director Ron Howard (Frost / Nixon,  The Da Vinci Code, A Beautiful Mind, Apollo 13 and so much more). Set against the golden age of Formula 1 racing in the 1970’s this film is based on the true story of a great sporting rivalry between James Hunt and Niki Lauda (via IMDB). Starring Daniel Brühle as Niki Lauda and Chris Hemsworth as James Hunt. After a quick #Rush search on Twitter one can conclude that people really like the movie, a lot. I am curious. Howard is a solid filmmaker with quite the reputation, I am all in for a ride.

Opens on October 3rd in The Netherlands


3. The Butler

I’ve been hearing about this movie for ages, I’ve seen pictures and I’ve heard about the great expectations everyone has about this movie. I love historical movies especially when it is about the civil rights and courageous people who stand up for what they believe in. The Butler is a film about Cecil Gaines the butler who serves eight presidents during his tenure as a butler at the White House, the civil rights movement, Vietnam and other major events affect this man’s life, family and American Society (via IMDB). Directed by Lee Daniels who was also responsible for the heart wrenching Precious. This movie, is also based on true events has an ensemble cast that makes me want to buy a ticket regardless if the movie is any good: Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey, John Cusack, Jane Fonda, Mariah Carey, Vanessa Redgrave, Terrence Howard, Cuba Gooding Jr., Lenny Kravitz, Robin William, James Marsden, Liev Scheiber and Alan Rickman. Whoooosh…

In theaters in The Netherlands from December 5th


4. About Time

I thought Love Actually was genius and I really enjoyed Notting Hill. Not to mention Bridget Jones’ Diary which is hilarious. This is another British romantic comedy that by just looking at the movie poster makes you feel good (although I have to admit, Love Actually has a few really sad story lines maybe that is the part where the word ‘genius’ comes in). It is about Tim, who discovers at the age of 21 that he can travel in time and change what happens and has happened in his own life. His decision to make his world a better place by getting a girlfriend turns out not to be as easy as you might think (via IMDB). Directed by Richard Curtis (The Boat that Rocked, Love Actually) starring: Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams, Bill Nighy, Lynda Wilson and Lindsay Duncan. I just hope that the soundtrack of this movie is as good on the ears as the other Richard Curtis movies.

Opening in The Netherlands on October 10th


5. Dallas Buyers Club

We, the public, has been bombarded with a gaunt looking Matthey McConaughey for a very long time. He lost 35+ something pounds to play Ron Woodroof and he had me worried. It was not like this guy was overweight. But it sure works on the curiosity scale. The movie is about a Texas electrician Ron Woodroof and his battle with the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies after being diagnosed as HIV-positive in 1986, and his search for alternative treatments that helped established a way in which fellow HIV-positive people could join for access to his supplies. Now that I’ve seen the trailer, know what it is about and the fact that mr. McConaughey is making some really excellent decisions film wise these days. I am really looking forward to this one, it definately is not going to be a happy-go-lucky-skippy-dee-do-da kind of film experience. The movie is directed by Jean Marc Vallée ( The Young Victoria) and has actors Jared Leto, Jennifer Garner and Steve Zahn starring.

This movie opens on November 1st in The Netherlands

What movies are you looking forward too this upcoming season?


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‘Typeface is not a pressing issue’


I’ve read the book, I’ve seen the YouTube Keynotes, commercials and interviews, I own several Apple devices and have grown to love them more and more over the years. And now I have seen the movie. First and foremost the movie looks really nice and the cast of actors and actresses (the few that are there) do their utmost best to make the most of the material given (i.e. script). Kudos to Mr. Kutcher he does a great job. It’s not their fault that this movie just doesn’t pull its weight. This is a merely out of context peek into the history of Apple, not even Steve Jobs. What a huge missed opportunity; it has all the ingredients to be great, amazing even but with the choice of the time frame it is set in and a poorly written script and flawed editing. What a disappointment! But maybe my expectations were too high. Do not get me wrong the movie was entertaining – in a hollow kind of way. It missed heart. Besides the script, the score and the way the songs were integrated was off too. Too much emphasis on the grandness of the person called Jobs while being not a very kind human being. The music was intrusive and distracting.

The movie opens with a graying Jobs presenting the iPod to the world ‘a thousand songs in your pocket’. This was huge in 2001. I know that, but does a 16-year-old know that? I wonder. Of course you could conclude it was huge by the reaction of the audience but there is now build up, since it is the opening scene (not to mention the score that want the audience to think mr. Jobs just shattered a world record). Next scene is a flashback to Jobs’ college years and his dropping out and dropping in to classes he enjoys taking (calligraphy). The movie covers the years from 1974 to 2001.

To tell this story, the whole story it could have been a trilogy or a t.v. miniseries (maybe even should have to do Jobs and his story justice). Walter Isaacson books is 656 pages long! This movie deals with maybe 25% of Job’s story (and that could be generous). Things I really missed and should have been in this movie:

1. Jobs family and love life (parents / adoptive parents / children / girlfriends and wife)

2. Jobs adventures after being ousted by Apple: NeXt and Pixar (Pixar isn’t even mentioned!)

3. Health his diets and his dealing with cancer.

4. How he actually dented the universe. It is mentioned, but never elaborated on and this dent goes way beyond an IMac and an Ipod.

5. His distortion reality theory

Maybe if you know nothing about mr. Jobs this is an okay watch. If you know a bit or a lot, it is going to be somewhat underwhelming, and leaving the audience with a lot of question. The book is not only much, much, much better (which is to be expected – since movies rarely surpasses their paper counterparts) the book talks about the man, the human being, Steve Jobs. This movie just doesn’t.

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